Seasalter Cross WI

Quiz Night

We will be holding our annual quiz night in October.  Make up your tables of 6.

Fashion Show

Back by popular demand.  Don’t miss our annual fashion show from Travelling Trends Fashion Poster June 2024 (2)

July Main Meeting

Around the World in 80 minutes! This is also our birthday meeting.  Further details to follow.

July – Social

Come and join us to learn from Linda on how to decorate a tote bag – appliqued

May main meeting

Resolutions, pudding club and plant sale This is the meeting where we need to vote on the resolutions that our delegate will be taking to the NFWI Annual Meeting at The Royal Albert Hall in June. We will also be having a pudding night and market place with plant sale.

June – Social

Fish ‘n chip supper Come along and enjoy food and company for this month’s social

April – Social

Linda and Diane will be showing us how to make spring wreaths using material strips. Email will be sent with material/equipment details needed.  Ring will be provided.